How To Maintain Your HVAC System – Home Efficiency Tips

The article describes the things HVAC technicians can do for those who require their system to be maintained. It also discusses a few things homeowners can do in order to keep their systems running their own HVAC systems.

A flashlight inspection can be performed to make sure there’s not any dirt accumulation within the furnace. Customers can be charged higher prices for premium furnaces with dirt built-up. Next, check all coils and filters for dust. It is recommended to check for oil staining at all times. An additional investigation should be performed if the customer notices any oil stains. The oil staining may indicate that the technician made a mistake and used oil on the device. However, they could also indicate a leak in the system.

When cleaning coils, it’s a good idea to check for any areas of rust. A skilled technician will examine the mechanical connections in search of leaks, or possible leaks.

The drain pan for oil is another component that has to be scrutinized. It is important to look at the pan for rust and metals debris, and other foreign content. Each of these indicates the need to carry out further investigations. Technicians should also wash up the drainage pan. These steps are essential in helping one maintain their HVAC system.


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